By doing this you will be helping to keep the Baltic Sea cleaner. One of the largest polluters of the Baltic Sea is the nutrients that reach it through agriculture.
The largest concern for the Baltic Sea is eutrophication, which is the excessive concentration of nitrogen and phosphate compounds in seawater that mainly originate from agriculture. As a consequence, certain species of algae gain prevalence and the aquatic biota as a whole suffocates.
Oceans, seas and all other bodies of water play a very important role in the reprocessing of human-made emissions. A body of water is like a filter that takes the excessive phosphate and nitrogen and gives oxygen and biodiversity in return. Unfortunately, we are now exceeding the tolerance limits of bodies of water – too many nutrients have accumulated in them which can no longer be efficiently reprocessed.
The farming of the blue mussel would help remove excessive nutrients from the Baltic Sea. These farms would not have to be large and they could be established by local coastal communities.
You can find places offering organic food on the Organic Estonia webpage >>>