Explore the exhibitions of our museum without leaving your armchair! Discover the mysterious mires, rich forest and meadow biota and exciting geology.
With the help of the virtual museum you can also visit exhibitions that are no more - take a deep dive into the mysterious ancient sea or explore the meaning of fatherhood in the animal and plant kingdoms!
Our virtual museum includes videos, games and an audioguide in English! When listening with phone, choose "Listen in browser".
Permanent exhibition
"Puudega linn"
"Puudega linn" avati 2023. aasta sügisel ning jääb uudistamiseks avatuks kuni Eesti Loodusmuuseumi kolimiseni uude majja oktoobris 2026. Veel on võimalik seda oma silmaga uudistada!
Previous exhibitions
Exhibition about the sea and rivers was located on the second floor of the museum 2012 - 2018. In 2018 the new part of the permenent exhibition "Estonian mires" was opened in the same space.
The extremely popular temporary exhibition "Secrets of the Ancient Sea" was opened in January 2017 and received visitors for a year and a half. After that it was turned into a travelling exhibition, visiting many Estonian museums. The last time it was exhibited in the Ice Age Centre in Äksi, Central-Estonia.
In November 2018 a new temporary exhibtion called "Fathers and Sons" was opened. The exhibition was located in two rooms.
Ajutine näitus "Hirmus armas nahkhiir" oli I korruse saalis üleval 13.02.2020 - 10.08.2022.